View from plane of algae bloom in Big Traverse, Lake of the Woods (photo courtesy of Jesse Anderson, MPCA)The Foundation has launched a project to develop a framework for a future phosphorus management plan for the Canadian portion of the binational Rainy-River-Lake of the Woods watershed, with the support of a Contribution Agreement from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
This project will scope and outline the key elements that would be required to develop a domestic phosphorus management plan collaboratively with relevant parties in the basin, once phosphorus targets are set by Canada domestically or as shared binational targets with Minnesota.
This work is timely now, to prepare for moving from research to action. In late June, the US EPA approved Minnesota’s phosphorus plan that sets phosphorus targets for each source to the Rainy River and Lake of the Woods. In Canada, ECCC completed public engagements last spring on potential phosphorus reduction scenarios based on its four-year science program (see the LOWWSF “What We Heard Report”). The next step would be for Canada to set targets for domestic sources as part of a phosphorus management plan to complement those being prescribed for Minnesota sources. In anticipation of this, the Foundation is preparing the plan framework such that developing the plan can move forward expeditiously, with prerequisite consideration of aspects specific the Rainy River and Lake of the Woods and in collaboration with the partners that would need to be involved.