Consultations on Canadian Phosphorus Targets
In early 2021, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) launched a Lake of the Woods public engagement "portal" website and LOWWSF held a series of public webinars with the ECCC Lake of the Woods Team, to seek public input on the development of Lake Ecosystem Objectives and potential phosphorus reduction targets for Lake of the Woods.
Although the public comment period is now over, the ECCC Lake of the Woods site is still a central location for information on ECCC's development of proposed Lake Ecosystem Objectives and potential measures to control phosphorus for Lake of the Woods to address harmful and nuisance algae blooms, and improve the health of the lake.
A summary factsheet on the proposals and a more detailed supplementary factsheet, and other resources are available at the ECCC Lake of the Woods engagement site.
ECCC Phosphorus Consultations – What We Heard
LOWWSF has released a report summarizing what we heard from the public during engagement sessions with Environment and Climate Change Canada on its set of proposed lake ecosystem objectives and potential phosphorus reduction scenarios to improve water quality for Lake of the Woods. Hundreds participated in ten webinars and online via ECCC's Lake of the Woods engagement website. The messages were clear and a call to action -- "get on with it":
- Adopt a 20% phosphorus reduction target
- Set binational phosphorus targets
- Ensure ongoing core monitoring
- Act without further delay
pdf Download the report here (551 KB)