Dr. Caren Binding, research scientist in aquatic optics and remote sensing at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Receives the Kallemeyn Award for Scientific and Resource Management Achievement

(International Falls, MN) March 6, 2024

Dr. Caren Binding, research scientist in aquatic optics and remote sensing at Environment and Climate Change Canada, is the 2024 recipient of the Larry Kallemeyn Award. The Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation presented the award on behalf of the community of scientists and resource managers from the United States and Canada working in our watershed.

The Kallemeyn Award recognizes Dr. Binding's outstanding scientific contributions to the watershed, including leading her team that developed the Earth Observation Lake Watch tool (EOLakeWatch) that uses satellite imagery to track algae blooms in Lake of the Woods (and the other "great lakes"). 

The satellite view from space is compelling of blue green algae blooms covering Lake of the Woods. Dr. Binding of ECCC is harnessing these images for near real-time tracking of algae blooms and to derive daily indices of bloom severity, intensity, extent and duration.  Caren's EOLakeWatch system and these indices will likely be foundational to long term monitoring for progress assessment as plans are implemented to cut phosphorus loads to the lake.

3panel spet30 2023Massive algae bloom covers nearly 70% of Lake of the Woods, September 30, 2023. Panels (left to right) show sentinel satellite image, derived chlorophyll-a, and derived annual Bloom Severity index, Environment and Climate Change Canada (2023). EOLakeWatch 2023 Algal Bloom Report - Lake of the WoodsDr. Bindings work is not just academic in nature; it has practical applicaton through a web based tool and data-set that are accessible for use of the public and scientists alike. The high resolution (both in time and space) of the imagery and the information that Dr. Binding is extracting from it, is improving our understanding of how blooms develop and progress through the lake and may provide some near-real time early warning of risks of blooms and algae toxins. Her research is providing great insights into what factors (temperature, wind, rain, nutrients, etc.) drive algae blooms and contribute to year to year variability and even daily variability in bloom occurrences. The lake-wide perspective and high resolution of the satellite images will provide important insights for evaluating the lake’s health, developing objectives for different parts of the lake, and assessing response to potential nutrient reduction targets.



For more information on the Kallemeyn Award: www.lowwsf.com/kallemeyn-award or contact:

Todd Sellers,
Executive Director,
Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation
204-981-4283 (cell)

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