Thank You for Your Gift - Merci pour votre don
Thank you for your gift to the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation (LOWWSF). Your gift is helping to ensure the sustainability of water quality on Lake of the Woods through development of a sustainability plan for the Lake of the Woods Basin, based on sound science and international cooperation and collaboration.
You should have automatically received a receipt for Canadian Tax Purposes, directly by email from, a Canadian registered charity that processes online donations for many Canadian registered charities including LOWWSF.
Please contact me if you have any questions about your gift or the work of LOWWSF in the Lake of the Woods basin.
Vous devriez avoir reçu automatiquement un reçu aux fins de l'impôt canadien, directement par courriel de, un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré au Canada qui traite les dons en ligne pour de nombreux organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés au Canada, y compris LOWWSF.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions concernant votre don ou le travail de LOWWSF dans le bassin du lac des Bois.
Todd Sellers
Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation
Box 112, Kenora, Ontario P9N 3X1
866-370-8891 (toll free)
Donations from Americans
To Donate and claim a US tax deduction:
- Make your donation cheque payable to: The Winnipeg Foundation USA
- Include a letter of direction, instructing The Winnipeg Foundation USA to direct your gift to The Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation
- Mail your donation cheque and letter of direction to:
The Winnipeg Foundation USA, as a 501(c) registered public charity, will issue to you a letter of acknowlegment of the charitable gift, which is your source document when you claim your tax deduction for the contribution.
The Winnipeg Foundation USA will then disburse your gift to the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation.
Why through the Winnipeg Foundation USA?
The Winnipeg Foundation USA is registered as a 501(c) public charity in the United States of America. The Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation has registered charitable status in Canada. The Winnipeg Foundation USA will receive your directed gift and disburse your gift to the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation, which is a Canada Revenue Agency Registered Charitable Organization.
Donate Online
Donations may be made online (below) to the General Fund or to memorial funds below to support our work for Lake of the Woods to: Put a Sustainability Plan in Place, support science, and coordinate actions binationally to protect the Lake's water quality for future generations. A Canadian tax receipt will be issued for all donations. Donations can also be made by cheque to LOWWSF, Box 112, Kenora, ON Canada P9N 3X1.
For American donor instructions please click here.
Fait un don
Les dons peuvent être faits en ligne (ci-dessous) au Fonds général ou aux fonds commémoratifs ci-dessous pour soutenir notre travail pour le lac des Bois afin de: Mettre en place un plan de durabilité, soutenir la science et coordonner les actions binationales pour protéger la qualité de l'eau du lac pour l'avenir générations. Un reçu d'impôt canadien sera émis pour tous les dons. Les dons peuvent également être faits par chèque à LOWWSF, Box 112, Kenora, ON Canada P9N 3X1.