March 7-8, 2018: Rainy River Community College, International Falls, Minnesota
Overview: Symposium for researchers and resource managers working in the Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed.
Themes: Climate change, nutrients & algae, invasive species, paleolimnology, fisheries, and new techniques — advances in monitoring, remote sensing, modeling, data management and visualization.
Abstract Deadline: January 12, 2018. Submisssion details, please see
More Info: at the Foundation's website
Environment and Climate Change Canada in associaton with the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation will be holding a public information session in Kenora on the science underway to address toxic and nuicance algae blooms on Lake of the Woods.
The session will include a series of posters on the program and ECCC scientists and staff will be present to answer questions. The session will also include information and staff from our partners at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and as well as information from our partners at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Please join us Monday August 14, from 10 am to 3 pm at the Clarion Lakeside Inn, Kenora Ontario.
A Growler sized thank you to the team at the Lake of the Woods Brewing Co for its generous support of the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation during 2016. We are honoured to have been one of five charities supported by the LOWBREWCO Charity Pints Program.
Each month during 2016, they picked one of their craft beers and donated ....
When science and policy begin to converge, we're on the right track. In addition to research studies, this year's science Forum highlighted policy efforts underway to put a binational plan in place for the Lake of the Woods basin, with presentations from Global Affairs Canada and the Rt. Honourable Robert Nault, Member of Parliament for Kenora, and a video address by U.S. Senator Al Franken.
Congratulations to Dr. Mark Edlund, recipient of the 2017 Kallemeyn Award, recognizing his contributions to research and resource management in the Rainy-Lake of the Woods Basin.
International research collaborations led by Mark are providing the keys to unlocking the Lake of the Woods story about what is causing the blooms of blue green algae.
Scientists from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) started work on Lake of the Woods this winter. They collected samples to characterized the water chemistry, algae community, nutrient conditions, and the role of nutrient release from the sediments under low oxygen conditions under ice cover, in contributing to the nutrient loads and summer algae blooms. The ECCC crew will be on the lake in June and September.
To honour the memory of Deborah Battigelli, her family has established The Deborah Battigelli Memorial Fund at the Lake of the Woods Water Sustainability Foundation. This Fund honours Deborah's love of life at the lake and her interest to preserve the lake area for future generations to continue to enjoy what she loved.
Research is beginning to provides answers to unlock the mysteries of Lake of the Woods water quality — summarized in this article republished from Field Notes, the newsletter of the St. Croix Watershed Research Station.